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Tuesday, February 15, 2011

"Food as Fuel" Challenge, 30 days of Paleo at CFS!

Here's what I'm committing to for the month of March. As I am also now committed to eating Biblically clean (kosher, but not rabbincally kosher), so that means no lovely bacon treats open to other participants. I've been kosher for about 6 months, and I don't particularly miss pork or shellfish anymore, but I know the last time I tried paleo (and failed) pork was a big part of it. The setup of this challenge will keep me on track to be both kosher and paleo for March!

I'll be posting my daily log as well as recipes I find.

If you want to know what on earth I'm talking about as far as Biblically clean, click here.

So it's time again to do another monthly challenge at CFS and the paleo subject is back! We have done this once before and had a lot of fun (and learned something too). This time the format will be a little different, and hopefully some lucky people will make a few $$ along the way!

We will start on March 1st and see who can go thirty days strict Paleo, which means eating as we are designed to eat for maximum health. Expect to lose weight or lean out and get great results!

Buy In = $20 (without this there is no commitment sadly enough!)
Cash Out = everyone who completes 30 days get to split the pot!

Challenge: Eat only awesome Paleo food (Meat, Vegetables, Fruit, Nuts, Seeds.... no grains, dairy) for 30 days. No calorie counting needed, no feeling hungry!

How it works: You will be required to post one Facebook "Note" every day describing what you ate that day (everything good or bad) and at least one picture of the food.

Scoring: There are two ways to win! First you must have a post on Facebook every day for March (does not have to be made every day but you need to catch it up). The pot will be split up to people that have a post every day describing what you ate and a picture (Paleo or not). There will be added special prizes for the people that actually eat Paleo for 30 days... so you see; the challenge is really about accountability!

You are crossfitters, you are already accountable for your exercise... we see your form, we see your results, this is a big reason why it works. Now!!! You need some food accountability, and this is how we do it. Plus, as other people see your meals they will get food ideas and it will help the whole group from the dead end of eating the same meal all the time (which will not work in the long run). Non members can participate also if they attend the meeting and buy in. Make other arrangements if you cannot attend at this time. See ya at the kickoff meeting!


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